The Censorship of Stop5G begins with the purge of John Kuhle’s Facebook Group “Stop5G”

cell tower hidden

California is Fighting 50,000 New 5G Cell Towers Linked to Cancer Risk. Bills in THESE States Will Permit Their Installation in YOUR Backyard.  LINK

Yelena | February 12, 2018


Below is an article with information concerning the use of “5G” and its probable harm to the people for which it is considered to be a “service” to – allowing high speed internet and surveillance across the Country. 

Please read thoroughly and carefully consider the evidence provided by Bruce Cain, who has been researching this issue for a number of years, and seeks to inform the people of it’s harms.


bruce 2

I have been suspended 5 times — 30 days each — since October 2018 by Facebook.  That was bad enough as I did NOTHING and have been on suspension close to 50% of the last year.  But what happened on 09/27 really “takes the cake.”  I was in good standing with the “Stop5G” group and its creator John Kuhles.  Both of us were banned from “Stop5G” on 09/27.  I cannot even view the “Stop5G” group and was previously (09/27) removed from moderating the group for which I probably posted the most content of anyone. 

What I have discovered, over the past year, is that all the “Big Tech” platforms were founded with funds from DARPA.  So in a sense these platforms now serve as the “Roach Hotel” for Anti-Globalists.  Facebook started in 2004 and now has 2-3 BILLION members.  After Trump won (2016) they realized their globalist agenda was hampered by his win, though Trump is not without  his own globalist problems: he is a big advocate of 5G.  By July 2017 they went after Alex Jones: love him or hate him he also has 1st Amendment rights.  By 2019 they are going after us “little fish.”  I’m sure this has happened to thousands of people.  The common denominator is not merely censorship of conservative speech but rather Anti-Globalist Speech.  You want to keep your guns?  You want a pause in immigration?  You want an end to 5G?  Yep that is who gets censored.  It could eventually effect Cannabis activists as well.  What if the Feds decide you can’t grow your own any more, like in Michigan. 

Freedom of speech is dying in the US and around the world.  That is a problem.

Facebook was originally supported by DARPA to gather info on everyone.  Now it is being transformed into a tool for censorship. 

Bruce Cain 

The Censorship of Stop5G Groups begins with the purge John Kuhle’s Facebook Group “Stop5G”

This  is a link to a PDF, (11 pages) – Please open and read!

If you’ve read through the attachment you will know that I was banned from 2 of the largest “Stop5G” groups on 09/27/2019.  And on top of that a 30 day suspension from Facebook.  I did nothing and it is clear “someone” wants to silence me.  If this were happening when I was a Cannabis Activist (really still am) we would have gotten nowhere.  On top of all of this John — creator of “Stop5G” — has never provided an account of how he was removed as administrator of his own group AND the last email I got from him was on 09/27.  My takeaways:
* Something very fishy is going on here.
* I am actually worried that something may have happened to John.
* I expect this form of censorship to escalate.
* This morning his website would not load.  It has been up till this morning.

What good does “legalizing” Cannabis do if we are now going to get exposed to increased radiation, from 5G, 24/7, 365 days a year?

I fear that Congresswomen Debbie Dingell may have a role in this though that would be impossible to prove.  All I know is the purge of “Stop5G” occurred just 3 days after I stopped by her office.  Debbie is on a Pro “5G Caucus” and has refused to reply to my concerns that 5G will have on our Health, Privacy and Freedom.  Of course what we also know is 5G infrastructure is stimulating the economy as 13 Trillion is predicted to be spent in the next few years.  If we stop it does the economy tank?

Anyway I’m just a bit frustrated.  Had to share with someone.  Freedom of Speech is under siege in a way I have never seen before. 

Bruce W. Cain

We can no longer allow 5G Proponents to silence the voices of the Global Stop5G Movement

Today 8 days have passed since the purge of the Facebook “Stop5G” group.  When the purge began (09/27/2019) the creator of the group, John Kuhles, was removed as administrator for his own group.  In August the Globalist Censorship Group, Disinformation Index, cited John Kuhles, specifically, as a 5G Conspiracy Theorist.  Less than 2 months later “someone” purged “Stop5G” removing John Kuhles (creator and admin for “Stop5G”) and Bruce Cain (significant daily contributor and moderator for “Stop5G”).  Having read through many articles from Disinformation Index it seems obvious that they don’t merely want to index “conspiracy theories” put forth by Stop5G activists: they want to make their essays and videos — and perhaps the activists themselves — disappear.  The purge of “Stop5G” is a perfect example.

On the day of the purge John Kuhles replied to my email and promised to provide an explanation for what happened on 09/27/2019.  He said this would be posted on his website,  Someone did update the website on the day of the purge adding an old article and a globe widget showing the location of subscribers.  Both of those updates were dated 09/27/2019: the day of the purge.  8 days later John has not answered my numerous emails and no explanation has been provided on his website.  As I look back I cannot be certain that his email (09/27/2019) was actually authored by John.  On 10/03/2019 his website was not reachable, for about a day, yet no further updates were made to the website. Is he still alive?  I find this troubling as John and I were in good standing and there is no reason that I am aware, why he would not have provided an account of what actually happened.  Both John and I have essentially been “erased” from Facebook and the “Stop5G” group: we cannot even view the “Stop5G” group and we have both been erased from the Facebook directory.  I would also be that all of my hundreds of posts, to “Stop5G,” have also been erased.  In addition Facebook gave me my 5th, 30 day suspension, meaning I cannot post or comment for 30 days.

I am sending today’s update to various groups, that support the Stop5G movement, in hopes that they can “get the word out” about the purge of the “Stop5G” group.  With 24,000 members it is possibly the largest “Stop5G” group on Facebook.  I cannot over emphasize the importance of this.  If our free speech is increasingly silenced how will we ever prevail in our attempts to stop the deployment of 5G antennas, throughout the planet and space?
What is happening is truly Orwellian (e.g., 1984, the book).  This “Disinformation Index,” and other Globalist Censor’s (GC’s) operate across all Big Tech Platforms – not just Facebook.  They appear to be very well financed and seem poised to silence both the Stop5G “Truth Movement” and any other groups that oppose a transition to a global government through imposition of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), the UN’s Agenda21 (local control) and the UN’s Agenda2030 (global control). 

What most people do not understand is the fact that those behind the rollout of 5G — the Rockefeller’s and the Rothschild’s — helped establish the United Nations many decades ago.  And from the very beginning these Globalists have admitted that they would use Climate Change as a means to usher in a One World Corporate Government.  Today the UN and the Rothschild’s, Crown Castle, are also among the most powerful groups pushing 5G under the auspices of fighting Climate Change.  The UN, the Extinction Rebellion (UK) and the New Green Deal (United States) are also largely financed by proponents for global rollout of 5G antennas throughout the globe.  The truth is (1) Anthropogenic Climate Change is a fabricated myth and (2) spending Trillions to reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions will only bankrupt first world nations, while having virtually no effect on Carbon Dioxide levels.

Our (1) Globalist Corporate Media, (2) all Big Tech Platforms (Facebook, Amazon, Google, YouTube, Twitter), (3) the Corporations supporting and profiting from 5G, (4) the Globalist Censor’s, (5) the Globalist Corporate Foundations (e.g., Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, Rothschilds etc.), (6) the United Nations and ancillary groups (e.g., the World Health Organization etc.), (7) most of our elected representatives (e.g., Thune, Dingell etc.)  and (8) even many governmental agencies (e.g., USAID) are now conspiring to become exactly what Orwell warned us about in his book “1984”: a Ministry of Truth (e.g., Propaganda).


The Ministry of Truth (Newspeak: Minitrue) is the ministry of propaganda. As with the other ministries in the novel, the name Ministry of Truth is a misnomer because in reality it serves the opposite: it is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events.  As well as administering truth, the ministry spreads a new language amongst the populace called Newspeak, in which, for example, “truth” is understood to mean statements like 2 + 2 = 5 when the situation warrants. In keeping with the concept of doublethink, the ministry is thus aptly named in that it creates/manufactures “truth” in the Newspeak sense of the word. The book describes the doctoring of historical records to show a government-approved version of events.

Ministries of Nineteen Eighty-Four

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


At one end of the spectrum these groups, which compose this Globalist Ministry of Truth, simply remain silent about the existential dangers that 5G poses to our Health, Privacy and Freedom.  At the other end of the spectrum these groups are actively doing everything they can to silence our voices.  And way at the far end of the spectrum is the possibility that some of us could be targeted for extrajudicial assassination.  There are, after all, 13 Trillion dollars at stake here.  Until I hear from John I will entertain the possibility that John may be the first extrajudicial assassination of a Stop5G activist.  I am concerned.

My hope is that some of these groups – on my expanding mailing list – will get the word out about the purge of “Stop5G” (09/27/2019).  They can share this essay.  They can arrange an interview with me.  They can publish their own commentary of the “Stop5G” purge.  I can only say this.  If we allow our First Amendment Rights to be eviscerated our voices will be silenced.  And if our voices are silenced we lose our fight against 5G.  Please, help me get the word out.  Because 5G, Smart Cities, the Internet of All Things (and the control of all humans) are all connected and part of a war against the entire global population.  We the Stop5G community must prevail.

Finally please thoroughly absorb what is in this essay as well as the links and videos embedded within.  Together they perfectly elaborate and explain everything that I have just covered.


Green New Deal and the Climate Movement. Trojan Horses for the Billionaire Class?

By Michael Welch, Naomi Wolf, and Cory Morningstar

Global Research, September 29, 2019


All of us is all we need.  Let’s Stop5G together.

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

Benjamin Franklin

[Statement at the signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776-07-04), quoted as an anecdote in The Works of Benjamin Franklin].  Benjamin Franklin

Bruce Cain 10.15.19

This video, (above),  is about the purge of the Facebook Group “Stop5G” created by John Kuhles. I encourage Stop5G activists to share this video across all Big Tech platforms: Facebook, Twitter etc. If we are to stop the global deployment of 5G antennas, globally and in space (satellite) we all have to work together. All of us is all we need: See also: Green New Deal and the Climate Movement. Trojan Horses for the Billionaire Class? By Michael Welch, Naomi Wolf, and Cory Morningstar Global Research, September 29, 2019… 5G: An Existential threat to our Health, Privacy and Freedom [This is the video of my testimony before the Dearborn Heights City Council, (7/23/2019) Approximately 40 minutes, 2600 views as of 09/25/2019]… Bruce Cain’s articles and videos on Stopping 5G and Smart Meters WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2019… A Primer on the threats of 5G/Smart Meters and the Internet of Things to our Health, Privacy and Freedom…

Why can’t we Stop5G in my City of Dearborn Heights?

Devon, England, just stopped the deployment of 5G. Mar-a-Lago, Florida — home to elites like Donald Trump and Bill Gates — have stopped the deployment of 5G.  Brussels — a center for the world’s elites — have stopped the deployment of 5G.
So why can’t we do this in Dearborn Heights?
Why can’t other citizen’s do this in their cities?
Are we just considered “lesser” human beings: you know, like slaves, MK-ULTRA test subjects, lab rats?


Devon, England: 10/07/2019
Town’s war with 5G: Devonshire officials ‘ban’ installation of new high-speed network after campaigners demand further research into its effects on health
by 5G Awareness | Oct 7, 2019


On 10/04/2019 I saw 5 trucks on Marquette: just a few blocks west of Inkster Road in Garden City.  Garden City is just adjacent to my city of Dearborn Heights. The crew leader confirmed they just finished putting up 4 5G antennas on a single utility pole.  And as soon as the underground wiring is laid, and connected, these 5G radiation emitters will be turned on.  When I asked him when that might happen he said it could be in mere weeks or months.

Thank goodness my family is not living next to those 4, 5G antennas.
He then added that they have been installing 5G antennas throughout SE Michigan for the last 9 months.  How many 5G antennas have gone up in my city of Dearborn Heights? Was the Dearborn Heights City Council aware of this?  Why has the City Council not alerted me to this?  They obviously knew I was concerned.  I mean, I did do a 40 minute presentation, on the subject of Stopping 5G, before the Dearborn Heights City Council just 2 months ago (07/23/2019).

Why are the voices of the Global Stop5G movement not being heard or acknowledged?

Part of the reason is the Stop5G movement is being censored. Part of the reason is that our City Council (Dearborn Heights) seems interested, but has not acted to protect it’s citizens from the dangers of these Antennas. Is it not a primary duty of any government to protect the safety of it’s citizens? Do something!  It should not be up to me to come up with the solution.  This is what we pay you for.

Another part of the reason is — since I did my 40 minute presentation on Stop5G — I am finding myself being censored.  So it seems impossible to get the word out to my community.

* In August I was de-platformed from Nextdoor, the Facebook application for local communities after making a single post on 5G: a link to my testimony before the Dearborn Heights City Council.
* The Press and Guide was informed about my upcoming presentation against 5G and decided not to cover it. (07/23/2019)
* On 09/27/2019 I was de-platformed from the Stop5G group I moderated for over a year and a half by Facebook. This occurred just 3 days after stopping by Debbie Dingell’s office in Dearborn,  where I was reminding her assistant that I was waiting on her response to my concerns about 5G. Debbie is a ardent proponent of 5G technology and I have concerns she may have had something to do with it.  Of course that is mere speculation.  That same day Facebook suspended me from posting or commenting for 30 days.  This is my 5th, 30 day suspension, since October 2018.  And while I’ve done nothing wrong the edicts of Facebook are final: they are judge, jury and executioner.  And there is no legitimate mechanism to challenge the merits of a 30 day suspension.  This Facebook “Ministry of Truth” is Orwellian and an affront to free speech.

In all of this we are seeing 2 trends. One tactic of the 5G proponents is just to ignore us or just pay us “lip service” and move along without solving the problem. The Press and Guide did the former. The Dearborn Heights City Council did the latter. The second tactic is to censor the freedom of speech of the Global Stop5G movement. The censorship against the Stop5G movement is growing and the incident on 09/27/2019 is a perfect example.

I explain the growing censorship of the Stop5G movement in this video (below).  It is well financed and seems to have escalated since August 2019: right as the global deployment of these 5G antennas is also escalating.  It is obvious they want to silence our voices and Facebook does have an economic stake in 5G deployment.


We can no longer allow 5G Proponents to silence the voices of the Global Stop5G Movement


I don’t know what to tell my City Council. I do understand that the FCC have tried to hamstring cities from doing anything. I also understand that our City Council has a primary role in protecting our citizens. The City Council is not doing that.

Please have that figured out when I come to the next City Council meeting. Be prepared to explain, to me, how you are going to stop the deployment of these 5G antennas in our city.  Be prepared to explain to me how any 5G antennas, already place in our city, will be removed.

This is what we pay you for, so do it. I expect to hear an answer to that question soon.

Stop aiding and abetting the globalists that are shoving this crap down our throats: regardless of the science, regardless of the concerns of the citizens.  We are not going to be part of a Global Lab experiment where we humans are the guinea pigs.

To me the Dearborn Heights City Council — and City Councils throughout the world —  are really no better than the German people that did nothing, as Hitler put millions of Jews to death in the concentration camps.  About the only difference I see here is the globalists — behind the deployment of 5G — don’t even have to transport us to the concentration camps.  They will kill us right in our own homes — with 5G antennas that may be a mere 20 feet from our homes.

Screw that.  Do SOMETHING to stop this.

Bruce W. Cain

From the article (above):

“Although the decision has no force in planning law, campaign leader John Kitson claims the action by Totnes town council is a warning to ministers that they cannot bring in 5G without further research into its effects on health.”

So basically even Devon (Devonshire) England is NOT going to have any real impact on stopping the deployment of 5G antennas.  Nope, unless you are the Gates or Trumps in Mer a Lago, unless you are the elite of Brussels you are left emasculated asking for the end of 5G deployments.  You might as well just go “massage” yourself.  LOL
I’m so fed up with your idiots like Martin Pall.  Don’t you understand why the censorship of the “Stop5G” community is so important.  How much money are you making on the Climate Crisis web seminars?  Do you not understand the true stakes here?

Yes I did work in Medical Research: Radiation Physics.  But any idiot could understand the dangers of this technology.  I mean I applaud your research but basically: even a glass eye in a dogs ass could see the problem with 5G deployment.  What we need is not more lectures: what we need is action.  Nope I’ve always been an activist.  I do have some foggy idea as to how we stop this bullshit.  You don’t.   You don’t even have a foggy clue and the deployments accelerate.  What are you thinking?

I think what is required is a global event against 5G.   Forget about the money from speaking.  This may be the only way to defeat the 5G deployment.  Yes, I sure you think it silly, but I did organize a global annual event that led to the legalization of “home grows” for Cannabis (e.g., Marijuana).  At the same time we MUST insist that our freedom of speech is preserved.  A doctor writing against vaccines gets banned from Facebook.  I’m on my 5th, 30 day suspension from Facebook since October 2018 idiot.   They — the globalists — are out to silence us.  Do you not understand the problem?
I have been silenced from posting to a Facebook group that has some of the largest membership when it comes to “Stop5G.”  Martin Pall I am talking to you.  They are trying to destroy our movement and you have yet to respond to me.  Very bad idea.  I’m here to help.
Debbie Dingell’s office finally got back to me today.  They said I’m not in here district and she could therefore not respond to my concerns about 5G technology..  I ran against her husband in 1996 and apparently they gerrymandered the district.   I have been in the same place since 1986.   I told the assistant that this had nothing to do with her district.  She is on a national “5G Caucus” — which effects all districts — and I had some serious concerns.

Worse yet I really do believe she had something to do with my “erasure” from the “Stop5G” group.  It is beyond coincidence.  Can I prove it.  Sorry, don’t have that kind of money.  I just want some answers from Debbie “Dingbat.”  It has been 2 months since my first letter and she has yet to respond.  Yeah I’m sure a FOIA request would go a long way . . . said nobody.

We have to get serious about this.  And I will soon begin to call out anyone that is not serious about Stopping the deployment of 5G antennas throughout the planet and in space.

This is not some imaginary problem and odds are I could help.  Think about that.  I’m retired.  I’m not making any money off this.  And, obviously, I am concerned.  I want to help all of you stop this.  Are you listening?  Do you really give a shit?

And yes I am available to be interviewed.

Bruce W. Cain

So another English city stops the roll out of 5G antennas.  Meanwhile I have been silenced from Facebook . . . for supporting the Stop5G movement.  We seem to be entering the age of “No Choice.”  We also seem to be entering the age of “No Voice.”  They are now forcing vaccinations in New York and California.  The democrats are talking about going house to house to take our guns away.  In my 65 years I can not believe the direction things are taking.  It is not just 5G that concerns me.

I will not support a world where the people’s will is ignored — as it is, worldwide — when it comes to the roll-out of 5G.  As I mentioned, the other day, I saw the first 5G antenna’s going up in Garden City just the other day: confirmed by the road crew putting them up.  I do understand the problem for ALL cities in the wake of the FCC decision (2018) to force these on our populations.  But at the same time it is the responsibility of our government officials to protect it’s citizens from harm.  They aren’t.

I’m sure I will come before the City Council in the coming weeks.  It would be really nice if you had a plan to stop this.  Because next time I’m before the council that will be my primary question: how are you going to stop this.

And Dr. Pall, sorry I was so harsh the other day.  I’m just frustrated: both in our inability to stop 5G and my undeserved suspension from Facebook: something that is not happening to thousands by the day.  I will not tolerate a “Ministry of Truth” that denies us the inalienable right to share what is on our minds.  It seems that totalitarianism has come to America.  Our founding fathers had a solution to that — one that I hope is entirely unnecessary. 

For the town of Totnes, England, the 5G rollout will have to wait. Over 1,600 residents signed a petition for a moratorium based on a belief that 5G is not safe for human health.

One local resident named Rosi Gladwell claims she’s suffering from the effects of radiation. At night, Gladwell sleeps in a copper sleeping bag to prevent electromagnetic rays from entering her body.

The town temporarily conceded to Gladwell and the other vocal residents’ wishes, but the decision might not stand for the longterm. Totnes district council is hard at work developing a committee that ignores the town’s concerns, according to 9News.

“I don’t think we will get anywhere with it,” town mayor Jacqui Hodgson said on the ban.

“Our concern is there will be a much higher blanket of radiation all around us. “There hasn’t really been any assessment carried out to prove it’s safe to health and the environment.

“As a town council, we have very little powers, but we can at least stand up for our community and say what we believe.”
It isn’t just England that’s concerned over 5G, cities, and towns all over the United States have become increasingly concerned with 5G’s potential health impacts. Last year, Portland officials attempted to block 5G rollouts. A group of activists and residents in Encinitas, California recently protested 5G’s impending installations.

The United States government says that 5G is safe and that no scientific evidence of health risks exists. But some groups around the country continue to disagree. In California, residents in a smaller town outside of Sacramento claim a Sprint 5G tower increased childhood cancer instances. Sprint was eventually forced to shut down the tower.

5G is the latest social battleground that’s sweeping the globe. More and more countries are rushing to install it because they don’t want to fall behind in the technological arms race. 5G will substantially increase download times and improve capabilities in the health and military sectors. No country wants to be left behind, which is creating a grind between government officials and 5G activist groups.

England Town Bans 5G Rollout Amidst Growing Health Concerns
Jim Satney October 8, 2019

If you want to get an idea of what will happen in the U.S. when the telecom companies start rolling out 5G networks with new towers in your local neighborhood, take a look at what is happening in Switzerland today, where 90% of the population is now exposed to the new 5G networks.  People are getting sick, and they are marching in the streets to show their opposition to the new networks.
Swiss Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest 5G Implementation as New Illnesses Start at Same Time…

Well a neighbor just told me he saw 5G antennas going up on Wilson — this time in Dearborn Heights.  And in Switzerland — where the 5G antennas are already operating — there are already reports of health problems due to the radiation these antennas are emitting.  Are we really going to wait, for our citizens to get sick, before we stop the deployment of these 5G antennas?


In this essay I briefly overview the history of Electromagnetic Radiation since the introduction of electric street lamps in the 1880’s.  We cannot see EMF radiation which is one reason we don’t suspect it as a vector to a multitude of health effects.  What makes 5G radiation such a problem is they are putting antennas every 2-10 homes (like the 4 antennas on Marquette just West of Inkster) and both the radiation and wavelengths are going to be far more detrimental to our health relative to earlier rollouts of 1G to 4G.  And THAT is why I encourage public participation on the 22nd.  The only real solution is to stop the deployment.  And once again in Switzerland — an early adopter of 5G — we are already seeing negative health effects which has led to a citizen revolt.  So the question becomes: do we act proactively or simply wait until our children become sick from 24/7 exposure to the radiation?

Before, we had moved from gas lamps to electric street lamps (1880), the only EMF radiation we were exposed to was what is known as the Schumann Resonance to which all life is naturally tuned into. In fact since life evolved, some 3 Billion years ago, the Schumann Resonance was the only form of EMF radiation that all evolving life forms were exposed to. So in just the last 140 years the amount of EMF radiation has increased by a factor of one hundred million. Let that fact settle in for a moment. But because we cannot see it or feel it we have never really thought about it. Yet today we are just beginning to understand what this non-ionizing radiation is doing to the health of all life on planet Earth.
We must demand that Trump and our our political leaders – Globally – Stop the Rollout of 5G Death Antennas

Bruce Cain

August 15, 2019


5G Technology – Smart Cities, Smart Dust, Internet of Things & Our Future
48,828 views•Aug 10, 2017

Around 9 minutes in the people of Montgomery CA are upset that their City Council will not represent them against the deployment of 5G.  That was roughly 2 years ago and the same thing is happening in our city of Dearborn Height: “Hey 5G may kill us but we, the council, can’t do anything about it.”  Wake up.  What happened there, 2 years ago, is happening here, now.  I already told you these antennas are going up in our neighborhoods.  A crew of 5G installers confirmed that to me on 09/27/2019.

The nightmare is here.  WE THE PEOPLE need to stop it.  And all of us is all we need.  And hopefully that will include the City Council finally telling the citizens that they are going to stop the deployment of 5G antennas.

Bruce W. Cain


Japan will not develop and invest in the creation of fifth-generation mobile networks.

This is stated on the official website of the Ministry of High Technologies of the country. Officials expressed the opinion that the creation of a faster Internet than previously is dangerous for the population and may adversely affect people’s health and labor productivity. Japan A study by the University of Nagasaki provides figures confirming the increase in the number of mental disorders and fatigue among high-speed Internet users. According to scientists, the more a person manages to conduct intellectual operations per minute, the more he is prone to the development of stress, absent-mindedness and an increase in nervous excitement. The Ministry of Health supplements colleagues and assures that using 5G networks can reduce the average life expectancy in the country for the first time in 60 years, and the impact of high-speed Internet is comparable to the effects of radiation on the human body. “We need to think about the health of the Japanese. Our country has already accelerated economically so that today we have nowhere to hurry. It is necessary to stabilize this state. 5G is fraught with great danger. So we think not only we, yesterday this information was confirmed by the US ambassador to Japan. If America, China or the EU countries are ready to risk their people for the sake of progress, then such a strategy is unacceptable for our welfare state, ”said Nobunari Kabato, Minister of High Technologies. The bill to ban fifth-generation mobile networks in the country has already been submitted to the Japanese parliament.

Japan abandoned the development of 5G networks for the health of citizens.

Posted on 09.06.2019

So there you have it.  Japan is willing to Stop5G to protect our citizens.  On the 22nd we will find out if our City Council feels the same way or is willing to let us all fry.  You had better think about this one.  You’ve got 8 days.

Bruce W. Cain

Wireless Industry Confesses: “No Studies Show 5G is Safe”

All of us is all we need.

Get involved.

Arrange an interview with me:

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